Indian government forces Bayer to accept generic Nexavar competition – FiercePharma

India has invoked its compulsory licensing rules for the first time to make and sell a version of Bayer's cancer drug Nexavar despite the fact that Nexavar is still on patent. We think this is quite a significant development. What does it mean for ROI of big pharma companies R&D ? What does it mean for IP integrity for doing business in India ?

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Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle Is Not Dead

One Thing Is Certain: Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle Is Not Dead: Scientific American. Experimenters violate Heisenberg's original version of the famous maxim, but confirm a newer, clearer formulation In 2003 Masanao Ozawa of Nagoya University developed a new formulation of the error–disturbance uncertainty that Heisenberg aimed to express, but this time on much firmer footing. Derived mathematically from quantum measurement theory, the new formulation describes error and disturbance as well as fluctuations: ε(q)η(p) + σ(q)η(p) + σ(p)ε(q) ≥ h/4π.

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