Advances in Recycling of Textiles Aiming at Circularity – Part 2

The textile industry is facing significant technical challenges as it transitions from a resource-intensive and polluting sector to a circular, sustainable model. Overcoming these hurdles requires advanced recycling technologies, substantial investments, and a shift in consumer habits. With the EU driving stricter sustainability regulations, the industry's ability to innovate and address these complex technical obstacles will be crucial for creating meaningful and lasting change.

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Advances in Recycling of Textiles Aiming at Circularity – Part 1

The textile industry's environmental impact has worsened due to the rise of synthetic polyester fibers and fast fashion. These fibers are poorly biodegradable, contributing to long-term pollution. In the EU, 12 kg of textile waste per person is generated annually, with most being incinerated or landfilled. To combat this, the EU Commission proposes making producers responsible for the entire lifecycle of textiles and promoting a circular economy. However, large-scale recycling remains in its infancy, facing significant investment and technological challenges.

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