tackling fashion industry’s toxic addiction
The detox campaign of Greenpeace is potentially a game changer in textile dyeing & finishing applications. Major brands agreeed to a joint roadmap.
The detox campaign of Greenpeace is potentially a game changer in textile dyeing & finishing applications. Major brands agreeed to a joint roadmap.
stakeholder consultation on the proposed roadmap to the zero discharge of toxic chemicals in the supply chains of clothing brands raised concerns about its viability
Nike announced that it has entered into a strategic partnership with DyeCoo Textile Systems on supercritical CO2 dyeing.
Patent attorney view why cold fusion has not attracted more attention
A new study provides important details on how proteins in our bodies interact with nanomaterials.
Studies that linked specific genes to intelligence were largely wrong, experts say.
After a series of demonstrations, claims of fraud heating up about the e-cat, claimed to be the ultimate solution of the world´s energy problems.
Was Albert Einstein right ? The famous speed of light speed limit has been questioned by one of the CERN experiments. Can it be true or is it a error in measurement ?
CERN experiment questions the speed of light limitation of Einstein´s theroy of relativity
Former Degussa CEO Felcht on the Chinese threat in science.