One year after Fukushima
The U.S. has reactors of the same designs that melted down at Fukushima Daiichi, but regulators hope changes could prevent a repeat of Japan’s nuclear crisis.
On top of this, some reactior are in high risk risk earthquake zones.
How Safe Are U.S. Nuclear Reactors? Lessons from Fukushima: Scientific American.
Dear Sir,
Every home, society, and country in the world need electric energy, but the
energy price always increase.
I have new invention idea for creating energy resource which can provide cheap energy for you for industry or company who use big energy or who sell energy for public. You can use my invention named GRAVITATION
The concept of invention for producing energy based on science and technology :
As mentioned on literature, each kind of energy can be changed into other kind of energy. Gravitation power is energy resource available throughout the world and the number is unlimited.
I have designed GRAVITATION MACHINE (GM) which has superiority:
1. Cost of production is very low ,2.Can be built everywhere in the world, 3. Works 24 hours, 4. Can be used for producing electric energy any amount people want.
then for full filling big energy need we must not build nuclear reactor which is very dangerous and fear, we also must not set on fire coal or carbon which makes much pollution of the air that results global warming. So GM could be a
solution to avoid global warming. it works effectively produces electric any amount we want to build, and efficiently without sacrifice (its basic commodity is free) so we produce electric energy in the lower cost than customary cost production event it is the lowest. this machine could be available in various capacity
I am looking for SPONSOR or INVESTOR or PARTNER to be able to make this invention be reality.
then if you invest here we will get big advantages for each unity electric we sold.
Our cost production is 60% lower than manual technology, so we can get profitable more 60 % than others. that is going on for ever for each unit we build in Indonesia and other countries throughout the world. in Indonesia we still need hundreds units of producing electric center (generator) and throughout the world we can build thousand units. I have counted evaluation of project of this technology.
Best Regards
Designer of Gravitation machine
Email: ,
Jl. Pulau Pisang Raya No. 92 Way Kandis- Bandar Lampung 35143 – Indonesia
If you couldn’t be investor would you be my investor agent, then you will get shares from our company we will build.