Detox in the textile industry – real progress or Potemkin villages? Part 1

We cast light on the progress of the Detox campaign in the fashion & textile industry. Detox is an initiative started by Greenpeace to challenge the business practice of global fashion brands who source from suppliers allegedly polluting the environment with hazardous chemicals. Their aim is to eliminate the discharge of hazardous chemicals from the effluents of textile processing factories by the year 2020.

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Dyeing with supercritical CO2 – finally a success story?

Dyeing in supercritical CO2 could finally be on track for success after 25 years of development. Originally an idea of German universities, it was developed and brought to market by the Dutch start-up company DyeCoo. With this innovative, environmentally friendly and water-free dyeing technology, today sportswear textiles made of polyester are produced in Asia for the brands of adidas and Nike.

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