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Ink jet printer "LaRio" by Italian company MS

Leading Italian ink jet printing company MS bought by US corporation Dover

The US corporation Dover, a Fortune 500 company, announced the acquisition of the Italian company MS who is the technology leader in digital ink jet printing for textiles. MS became famous with the LaRio printer, the fastest ink jet printer for textile printing.

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Achieving Sustainable Development through Industrial Ecology

Sustainable development integrates social, economic and environmental development. It is defined by the Brundtland Commission as “economic and social development that meets the needs of the current generation without undermining the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” It does not stand in the way of future generations meeting their needs. Industrial Ecology, being a relatively new field, offers methods to assist corporations and organizations to carry out sustainable operations. The interactions between industries and their environment forms industrial ecology which does contribute to sustainable development. It tries to reduce the human impact on nature and aims at sustainable development.

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Enzymes – an eco-friendly alternative for the textile industry?

With the increasingly important requirement for textile manufacturers to reduce pollution in textile production, the use of enzymes in the chemical processing of fibers and textiles is rapidly gaining wider recognition. Enzymes are non-toxic and eco-friendly. They can be safely used in a wide selection of textile processes such as de-sizing, scouring, bleaching, dyeing and finishing, where the traditional alternatives are very harsh chemicals whose disposal into the environment causes many problems. The article gives an introduction to enzyme technology.

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