Jeans bleaching – advantages and risks of different bleaching processes – part 1

Jeans have become very popular across all age groups, and genders. Popular fashion shades include many styles and colors, from dark blue to bright blue and from black to grey. To obtain pale shades, jeans are usually bleached. This first article gives an overview of the working sequence and key requirements of the bleaching process

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The Impact Science Fiction Has Made on Technology Today

When a majority of us hear "Science Fiction," we immediately associate it with "Star Trek." The imaginations of writers and special effects incorporated in this genre have paved the way for a great deal of technology that we are now taking for granted. As you watch science fiction shows and movies of the past, you can see how we've adapted technologies and how some of the items we use today are reminiscent to those devices created by writers and developers.

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Read more about the article Smart textiles – hope for the European textile industry for a better future?
fireworker workwear

Smart textiles – hope for the European textile industry for a better future?

Smart textiles are a big hope for the European textile industry for future business opportunities. The article outlines the differences to wearable electronics and functional textiles, and explains the challenges for the development of smart textiles.

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Read more about the article Zero discharge programme in textile industry moving to version 2
Greenpeace zero discharge campaign

Zero discharge programme in textile industry moving to version 2

The joint roadmap of the zero discharge of hazardous chemicals (ZDHC) programme in the textile industry is moving to version 2. An environmental management system and work streams are suggested. Greenpeace criticized some of the proposed changes to the roadmap.

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